Choosing Your Paint Color: Expert Tips from an Expert Paint Shop

HomeBlogChoosing Your Paint Color: Expert Tips from an Expert Paint Shop

When you are looking for a new vehicle, you might be thinking about things like the mileage, make, model and cost. Thinking about the color might seem silly or even superficial, but the fact of the matter is that your vehicle’s color is important not only in terms of aesthetics, but also in terms of maintenance and other practical concerns. Here at Crash Management Auto Body, we have been working with cars in our paint shop for quite some time now, and we have some expert tips that our paint shop would like to pass down when you are considering a new paint color.

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First, don’t neglect the practicality that goes behind choosing a color. While your black vehicle might look stunning in the showroom, black cars can heat up quickly on a summer’s day by absorbing the heat. Additionally, a black vehicle also looks dirty and dusty much faster than other colors. Yellow vehicles attract insects, so you will likely have more collisions with bugs if you drive a yellow car.

Second, when you are choosing a paint color, paint shop experts like ours recommend that you find a color that is appropriate for both your vehicle and your needs. There are many times we see clients who want a paint job because of a cosmetic reason, while others are looking for practicality. Whatever your reasons, we can help you select the ideal color.

Third, consider price. When you have a common color, it is going to cost less than a custom color or one that is only formulated for certain vehicles.

To learn more about choosing the right color for your vehicle, please contact our paint shop today!